Updating from deprecated to latest without getting fired — #2If you’re a developer, you’re probably running an outdated softeware version, and the reason you don’t upgrade it is because you’re scared…May 11, 2023May 11, 2023
Writing code that ages well: Pre-commit HooksFrom the day code was born the never ending bottle on code formatting was born, Here is how we keep our code formatted, updated, type safe…Apr 12, 20231Apr 12, 20231
Updating from deprecated to latest without getting firedAre you running an outdated software version? of curse you are. Why don’t you upgrade it? because it will break everything! here is how I…Apr 12, 20232Apr 12, 20232
Keeping Your Software Development Secure: Tips and TricksAs software development becomes more and more complex, the importance of keeping your development process secure cannot be under estimated…Mar 18, 2023Mar 18, 2023
Sports & Tech — Not what you expectedThe Intersection of Sports and Technology: Exploring the Evolution and Future of AthleticsFeb 22, 2023Feb 22, 2023
MySql 5.7 VS 8.0MySQL 5.7 vs MySQL 8.0: Which One to Choose? A Comprehensive Comparison of Performance, Security, Features, and Compatibility.Feb 22, 2023Feb 22, 2023
Late Binding — PythonIn Python, late binding is a behavior that can lead to unexpected bugs if you’re not aware of how it works. Late binding occurs when a…Feb 14, 2023Feb 14, 2023
Lazy Loading in Python: What It Is and How to Use ItBecome a better developer by understanding one of the trickiest and most common programming techniques, also learn how to avoid the lazy…Feb 14, 2023Feb 14, 2023
Most Common Bugs In Python And How To Avoid ThemPython is one of the most emerging programming languages. It is a high-level programming language that has user-friendly syntax. It is…Feb 14, 20231Feb 14, 20231